
A Ransom for Many: The Gospel of Mark Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book is based on a series of sermons preached at Kensington Baptist Church in Bristol, England. The author has increasingly—and beyond his expectations—been drawn in by the sheer power of the storytelling. Grasping something of the skilled and beautiful construction of the gospel has frequently shed fresh light on familiar passages; recognising the half-concealed links to the Old Testament...

King. The outcome is that he succeeds in derailing Jesus’ whole strategy (1:45). He no longer enters the towns: instead, the people come out to him. Jesus did not come to give people normal life; he came to give people eternal life! This is what the healings point to. For a start, Jesus’ actions show that the ceremonial rules about ‘clean and unclean’ and ‘touching and not touching’ are finished with. He is not concerned to obey those rules any more. But, more than that, as Jesus touches the man,
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